Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Disable Social Networks From Tracking You

Disable Social Networks From Tracking You with The Priv3 Firefox Extension

Dulu pernah kita bahas masalah facebook yang ngebuntutin kita, sekarang saatnya kita bahas cara men-disable nya. langsung aja sedot brada, yang ga ngerti MAHO !

In Earlier Post we Inform our readers about " Facebook track your cookies even after logout ". Did you know that social networking sites like Facebook, Google+, and Twitter can track your visits to any web page that uses the familiar "Like", " Follow", or "+1 " buttons, even if you do not actually click these buttons?

If you care about privacy, you must have already installed privacy addons like Ghostery, Adblock Plus, but here’s a new addition to your privacy toolkit – Priv3. Priv3 is different from addons like Ghostery.

For example, Ghostery blocks social sharing buttons (+1 , Like, Tweet buttons) and other social snippets (Facebook comments, Facebook connect) completely, so you may feel disconnected.

Priv3 protects your privacy by blocking trackers, but still shows social snippets like Facebook Comments, +1 , like buttons so you don’t miss any content. Once you interact with the social snippet, it reloads the cookies and tracking starts again, so unless and until you interact with the snippet, the addon keeps blocking the trackers.

One thing which is too disappointing for me is that Priv3 is only available for Firefox, so all I can do is wait for a Chrome version of it. If you’re a Firefox user, check it out and also tell us what you think of it.

Download The Priv3 Firefox Extension


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