Selasa, 27 September 2011

facebook track your cookies even after logout !

Facebook track your cookies even after logout !

Nih gan ane dapet info yang bagus dari
Ga perlu di translate lagi, ane aja ngerti, yang ga ngerti maho ...
xie xie xie

According to Australian technologist Nik Cubrilovic: ' Logging out of Facebook is not enough .' He added, Even after you are logged out, Facebook is able to track your browser's page every time you visit a website. He wrote in his blog '

With my browser logged out of Facebook, whenever I visit any page with a Facebook like button, or share button, or any other widget, the information, including my account ID, is still being sent to Facebook. '

After explaining the cookies behavior he also suggested a way to fix the tracking problem: ' The only solution to Facebook not knowing who you are is to delete all Facebook cookies.'

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